Well Whitehaven

Across Well Whitehaven we are focusing on five key areas:

Investing in the future generation of young people in Mirehouse.

Inspiring schools and community education and learning.

Developing relationships with the nuclear industry.

Encouraging business development and capitalising on the physical environment.

Developing and supporting leadership.

We are busy shaping practical plans to achieve our vision, including:

Working alongside a group of 8-14 year olds to help them achieve their dreams for learning, earning and being enterprising.

Developing high quality learning and education for the whole community.

Bringing the nuclear industry together with the public, private and community sectors to make the most of opportunities around education and enterprise, and so transform our communities.

Using new building developments and the physical environment to help unleash healthy, happy local communities.

Encouraging local people to get involved and develop new skills across a range of exciting projects.

Here is a presentation about what we are doing in Well Whitehaven

If you would like to join in this exciting new movement, please get in touch.

Contact Us

Working in partnership with NuGen

"NuGen have a commitment to deliver from Cumbria safe, clean affordable, low carbon electricity. This commitment is matched by our desire to maximise the benefit from the Moorside project in every aspect. To do this NuGen’s role in the community is crucial. We want to stimulate the additional benefits that an entrepreneurial and aspirational environment can bring. Well North and Well Whitehaven offer opportunities to understand from those who have succeeded in similar situations, how to realise the potential in Whitehaven and Copeland. NuGen and the public, private partners involved are committed to unlock a healthier, happier, prosperous Whitehaven."

Tom Samson, Chief Executive Officer, NuGen