A new video tells the story of Well Skelmersdale

A new video has been launched by Well Skelmersdale which aims to explain the aspirations of the programme as told by its own residents.

To help create a sense of what Well Skelmersdale is trying to achieve and what it means to the local community, we have created a new short film which speaks out on our behalf. This story is about Skelmersdale, told by the people of Skelmersdale.

We’d love you to take a minute (well, 11 minutes to be precise) to watch our film. It can be viewed [ ].

To quickly recap, the aim of Well Skelmersdale is to create a connected community, by revolutionising the town, into a hub for health, wellbeing, leisure, enterprise, culture, learning and raising educational aspiration.

In order to achieve this, Well Skelmersdale will unleash the potential of its residents, places and assets and it will connect skills, education and employment. In addition, it will also provide a networking opportunity, bringing together community businesses, voluntary, faith and community organisations (both public and private). Finally, it will utilise to it fullest, the green space that that the town is blessed with and will beautify its built environment. Reframing health and ultimately making a real difference to real people.

If you would like to get in touch with us, you can do by dropping us an email: .

Thank you for watching!