Inspired By Others

London conference shares post-Olympics regeneration successes

A conference hosted by the London Evening Standard at the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park on 9th October 2017 highlighted the boost to jobs and skills in east London delivered by the 2012 Olympic Games. Almost 600 delegates, including Well North Executive Chairman Andrew Mawson who is on the board of the Olympic Park, heard London Mayor Sadiq Khan give the opening address.

The Mayor spoke about the findings from a report commissioned by the LLDC Regeneration team, from Oxford Economics, on the prospects for jobs and skills in the host boroughs after 2012. The report's findings were very positive, showing the area performing better than the London average and with the prospect of an additional 200,000+ jobs created in east London - many in high skilled creative, technology and professional sectors. Read a report on the event here.

Back to the future in Bradford

Well North Executive Chairman Lord Andrew Mawson shared his insights into how to capitalise on Bradford's history of innovation and entrepreneurship at a special event at Bradford Cathedral on 11th October 2017. He shared his own story which started in a small run down church and today has led him to play a leading role in the development of the Olympic Park. Andrew explained how an entrepreneurial and innovative approach was as important in East London as it was for the founding fathers of Bradford. He looked at the current context of Bradford and its emerging generation of new entrepreneurs, and the potential to transform the city once again. Download Andrew's slides here.

People powered primary care

A community-centred approach to health called Community Wellbeing Practices (CWP) is being offered to patients at all 17 GP practices in Halton in order to respond more appropriately to patients’ social needs, which are often an underlying reason for their presentation at primary care services.

Mark Swift, Chief Executive Officer of Wellbeing Enterprises CIC has published a paper in the Journal of Integrated Care to share the learning from CWP in Halton. Download the paper here.

A Manifesto for Health Creation

The new NHS alliance have recently launched A Manifesto for Health Creation, the manifesto sets out 10 high impact recommendations to create a wellness-based health system to address health inequalities. Click here to read the full manifesto.

Can a whole town lose weight together? Ways to Wellville

Embarrassed to be named the least healthy county in Michigan, USA, in 2011, Muskegon is trying something quietly radical: turning the small cluster of towns in the county into a multifaceted support network to help people make healthy changes that stick - like losing weight and keeping it off. Read about their innovative approach here.

Healthier Fleetwood

Dr Mark Spencer, GP at the Mount View Practice, explains why he is overseeing ‘Healthier Fleetwood’, an ambitious year-long project in his town aimed at improving the health of local people.

“Healthier Fleetwood is about making Fleetwood a healthier place to live for current residents and generations to come. It will focus on ‘what makes me well’ rather than ‘what's made you ill’". Read more here.

Linking wellbeing to literacy

Dr Selwyn Hodge, an adviser to Well North, outlines a collaborative project to improve literacy in Denaby, Doncaster

Denaby is an area which, in common with many other places in the country, has suffered from the effects of a decline in traditional industries. As a result the area now has considerable needs in relation to employment levels and educational standards.

Well Doncaster is involved in finding innovative ways of helping to address this situation. Read more here.