Leadership resources

Supporting community and entrepreneurial leaders to flourish

We have produced a snapshot resource bank through our work exploring how Well North supports leaders at all levels and in all places to develop their community and entrepreneurial leadership skills.

The resource bank has been developed around eight key themes and you can access it here. Or you can download the resources by theme - just click on the relevant link below:

You can also find resources to help you know and develop your inner leader here.

We produce a regular Leadership Development Menu, full of ideas and resources to share plus links to workshops, conferences and other learning events, which you can download by clicking on the links below:

  • Leadership Development Menu - November & December 2017

If you have any leadership resources you think will be useful to the Well North crowd then please share these either with Donna Bradshaw from the Well North Hub Team () who leads on our leadership offer or via Twitter using #WellNorthTogether