Pete Woolaghan

REACT Engineering

I was born and brought up in Cleator Moor in West Cumbria but left the area after attending university to work in the automotive industry. I returned to West Cumbria in the early 90’s and after a short period working in the nuclear industry, set up my first business, REACT Engineering Limited, in 1994.

Since then I have set up a number of other businesses in West Cumbria including HiDef Aerial Surveying Limited, Create Technologies Limited and R3i Limited. All the businesses are knowledge based or technology driven, first-to-market opportunities. I also founded the REACT Foundation in 2004. The aim of the charity is to inspire young people into science and engineering. I am a Chartered Mechanical Engineer.

At Well Whitehaven I try to use my long-established connections from the REACT Foundation and within the business community to help connect the work of Well Whitehaven with young people to raise personal aspirations and their aspirations for their area.

I have a passion for turning creative ideas into successful businesses and truly believe that the young people in our area have the insight and ability to find the answers we need – we just need to provide the right environment for them to do so. Well Whitehaven provides an opportunity to help fashion that environment.