Well Sefton pays it forward

Well Sefton put smiles on lots of faces this Pay it Forward Day by performing random acts of kindness throughout Bootle.

Pay It Forward Day is a worldwide movement that promotes random acts of kindness with the idea that those who experience an act of kindness pass it on to others.

Well Sefton planned a series of activities that embraced the power of giving with the hopes of encouraging the people of Bootle to spread the love among the community.

YKids spent the day based at Bootle Market where they gave away 230 free drinks at North Perk café and 200 positivity pouches. The positivity pouches were filled with items aimed at brightening up somebody’s day including a teabag, a chocolate and sweets.

Groups of community gardeners from Regenerus’ Taking Root in Bootle project created wooden planters with the help of trainee joiners from Hugh Baird College. The completed planters were gifted to passers-by who were overjoyed by the kind gesture.

SAFE Regeneration used Pay it Forward Day to build on its ‘Green Dream’ environmental work. The focus was on creating more habitats for local wildlife by distributing wildflower seeds to local community groups.

Living Well Sefton (LWS) made the most of the wet weather and passed out free umbrellas to anyone who’d been caught in the rain. LWS also worked closely with the Orrell Trust Venus and the May Logan centre to facilitate a raft of activities to promote random acts of kindness.

A highlight of the wek was collaboration with LWS and the Orrell Trust that saw pupils from Springwell Park Primary School teach a group of elderly people to play Boccia. A video of the session can be seen .

People were genuinely touched by the acts of kindness performed and hopefully were inspired to do something nice for somebody else in the community.