Steph Mitchell

Evaluation Team

Having previously worked in NHS and local authority organisations for the last decade, I joined The University of Manchester in spring 2017. My previous roles in commissioning and public health have given me a wide range of skills and I have been lucky to work on many agendas such as Cancer, Sexual Health, Women’s and Children’s Health, End of Life Care and Carers, just to name a few.

I have followed both health and business academic pursuits, completing an Access to Health Diploma before gaining a degree in accountancy and business studies. I am currently finishing my Master’s degree in public health.

I am a Research Assistant within the Well North Evaluation Team and will assist pathfinder sites with evaluation of Well North initiatives.

Other than spending time with my family, horticulture is my passion, especially tending to the fruit, veg (and weeds!!) that I grow at my allotment. Time with nature does wonders for the body and mind and this is something that I am passionate about.