Elsa Brailey

Head of Development and Delivery for Home Group in the North West

My role is Head of Development and Delivery for Home Group in the North West. Home Group is one of the biggest affordable housing providers nationally, but has a huge commitment to Copeland. We hold 96% of the social Housing stock in the area, having taken the stock transfer of Copeland Borough Council in 2004.

With a background in construction and project management, I have significant experience of working in partnership with contractors, developers, house builders and local authorities, as well as the HCA and regeneration bodies, to enable projects to be delivered.

I’ve worked in construction and housing for 27 years, with both Home Group and other providers in the North West. I’m committed to raising the quality and offer of housing in the area, and helping to increase the opportunities and aspirations of West Cumbrians. I like to see projects succeed, and I’m committed to help deliver results from the opportunities Well Whitehaven brings.

In my role at Home Group I enjoy the challenge of securing new opportunities and delivering Home Groups’ ambitious development programme. But new housing is not just about boxes, it’s about places and people. When developing, we must not miss the opportunity to improve or enhance an area. Housing is for the long term we must make the most from the opportunities we have. This is really important to me particularly in relation to its focus on regeneration through new development.

I feel passionately that Cumbria is the best place to live and people should appreciate all the benefits we have living here.