Points of View

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Time for joined-up approach to health delivery, Tanni Grey-Thompson tells Daily Politics show

Ukactive Chair Baroness Tanni Grey-Thompson made an impassioned case for a £1bn regeneration scheme to save the NHS by transforming the UK's ageing fleet of leisure centres into modern wellness hubs.

Appearing on BBC Two's Daily Politics show alongside heavyweight MPs Chuka Umunna, Damian Collins and Yvette Cooper, Baroness Grey-Thompson said it's time for a "joined-up approach to health delivery," with a greater focus on prevention over cure.

You can read more about Tanni Grey-Thompson’s presentation and watch it here

Building healthier communities

Well North Executive Chairman Lord Andrew Mawson is a member of a panel, led by Lord Heseltine, which is looking at how the layout of estates can be best used to deliver more quality homes.

Lord Heseltine recently shared his thoughts about creating better spaces for people to live, to grow, to learn, to play, to meet, to call ‘home’ and to say that word ‘home’ with pride.These are all issues that Well North is working to address within 10 pathfinder communities.

You can read Lord Heseltine’s lecture here or watch it here

In the future, everyone will be self-employed – but society is failing to adapt.

What if there is no employer or employee? Just about everyone in an advanced economy will be self-employed at some stage, yet most people are educated to think of 'getting a job' and legislation works on the presumption that people are employed.

Read Hamish McRae’s ideas in The Independent: http://www.independent.co.uk/voices/society-is-fai...

Creating healthy communities - collaboration is the key

Improving the health of the UK is not solely the responsibility of the NHS, according to a group of scientists, clinicians, social entrepreneurs and cross-bench peers writing in ‘The Lancet’. In their radical ‘NHS manifesto’, collaboration is the key to creating healthy communities and strengthening the UK economy. http://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/P...

Communities can heal themselves

George Monbiot has written a very insightful opinion piece in 'The Guardian' about people taking back control of their communities.

“Our atomised communities can heal themselves. Through local initiatives we can regenerate our culture and make politics relevant again,” he says. Read his article at: https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2017/feb...

Health literacy – still the missing link to better wellness.

Dr Selwyn Hodge, Co-Chair, Self-care Forum and Adviser to Well North, looks at the vital role of health literacy in boosting wellbeing in this opinion piece.