Well North artist: Matt Worden

In late September 2017, Matt Worden worked at the Infinity Science Festival as Well North's resident artist. Based at West Lakes Academy, Egremont, Cumbria, over 200 kids from across the county attended the event which aimed to raise aspiration in STEM subjects.

Matt was commissioned to provide a creative activity alongside the science focused work. The installation 'If a butterfly flaps its wings' was a metaphor to illustrate in form how small disturbances can have the power to influence and change. On the day each child made an origami butterfly which was then added to the installation.

“I worked with some ace students from the school to build the installation of over 600 butterflies - a good day’s work!” said Matt.

You can see an album of photos showing how the beautiful artwork was created

Matt also created some great images of the Bradford Onna Bike Cycle Ride - view them .