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Our principles

Building on this initial inspiration, Well North is now putting down roots across ten communities in the north of England.

We’re a movement that connects local people, health experts, public services, businesses, voluntary and community groups who’re all eager to make a difference.

Led by social entrepreneur Lord Andrew Mawson and chief executive Sam Tunney, our focus is on delivering grassroots projects that have a lasting impact on people’s lives.

We are about:

  • Improving the health and wellbeing of everyone
  • Backing real people’s dreams and ideas
  • Working alongside people and trusting them to shape their own futures
  • Bringing energy and creativity to kick-start change
  • Tapping into existing assets, resources, talents and skills
  • Building new connections and relationships
  • Working with social entrepreneurs and businesses to create new enterprises and jobs
  • Sparking community-centred investment and regeneration
  • Working with communities to shape more effective health, care and welfare services
  • Creating a culture which, wherever possible, says ‘yes’, rather than ‘no’
  • Using language which is positive, concise and cuts out jargon
  • Boosting confidence through creative and inspiring activities involving everyone
  • Creating culture change, enterprise and inspiration in communities which lasts long after we’ve gone.