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Sam Tunney

Well North Chief Executive Officer

I’ve spent 30 years making a difference in the public sector across Greater Manchester, Lancashire and Merseyside, doing a variety of jobs and ending up as Assistant Chief Executive of a large Metropolitan Council.

My roles have involved working with many partner organisations, including the police, fire, housing, education, probation, Department for Work and Pensions, various health partners and a wide range of voluntary, community and faith sector organisations. Through being involved in many public consultation and engagement projects, I also know how important it is to listen to local people and to inspire them to want more than what they believe is possible. They know what they are talking about.

AS Chief Executive of Well North, together with our Executive Chair, Lord Andrew Mawson, I’m leading work to create a movement to unleash healthy communities across the North of England.

With our partners, we’re inspiring change by backing real people and local ideas. I’m passionate about people, and have learned that what really matters is the quality of the human and social relationships which we form. Leadership, entrepreneurship, innovation and disruption are what we are really about. We are a team at Well North, a team of individuals who collectively get up in a morning and give a damn.