Matt Worden

Resident Artist

I’m a visual artist, experienced manager and event organiser. As a practicing artist I’ve applied these skills in leadership roles to deliver innovative solutions across a spectrum of health and wellbeing services.

I’m passionate about the transformative impact that art and creativity can have on people and communities. I’ve applied creative processes and thinking in leadership development workshops that empower people to deliver high quality services that respond flexibly to changing needs. I’m skilled at developing partnerships that integrate health, education and cultural provision.

As Well North’s resident artist, I work across the pathfinder sites and initiatives using creative processes in various ways. I’ve facilitated immersion workshops that support participants to visualise and map aspirations that aid the planning process. I‘ve delivered site specific community art activities to support events during the Infinity Science Festival, Cumbria and produced artistic responses to Well Bradford’s Onna Bike community cycle ride that will leave a legacy for Well North’s work.

Personally and professionally, I hold strong beliefs that individuals can use creativity to unleash new ideas and insights to make positive change. As an artist I’m passionate about using creative endeavours to overcome obstacles; as an artist one doesn’t stay still.

As a visual artist, I regularly contribute work to exhibitions and accept commissions. I also use my skills to run artistic sessions in my community where people learn and support their wellbeing as they improve technically.

In my free time I’m a DJ and collector of vinyl records. I’ve organised many successful music ventures, enjoying all aspects of event management from performance to promotion.