Greg Mitten Well Skelmersdale.jpg

Greg Mitten

Chief Officer of West Lancs Council for Voluntary Service (CVS)

Currently the Chief Officer of West Lancs CVS and a lay member of West Lancs NHS Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG), my experience covers senior management and voluntary positions in the voluntary, community and faith sector (VCFS), public and private sectors.

All of these roles have been based on delivering change at individual and organisational level, helping to create partnerships that achieve positive social impact.

At Well Skelmersdale, my role involves encouraging the conversations that will build partnerships between many different organisations. In particular, this means listening to, encouraging and connecting the gifts, capacities and skills of our individual community members and organisations to ensure Well Skelmersdale is grown from the street up.

I’m passionate about lifelong learning, equality and the opportunity for individuals and communities to realise wellbeing through education, enterprise and self-determination. Meeting people through my work, social connections, travel, books, media and film feeds my learning.