Welcome to Well Bradford

Like many Northern hospitals, Bradford Royal Infirmary (BRI) is next to an area of high unemployment and medical need. Over the years the link between the hospital and its immediate neighbourhood has widened.

The workforce now comes from all over Yorkshire and for the majority of the local community their contact with the hospital is at a time of acute need.

Our mission is to investigate how hospitals can make a greater difference to wellbeing and healthcare beyond the acute services they offer.

Well Bradford is anchored at Bradford Teaching Hospitals Foundation Trust and is delivering innovative projects in the community on behalf of the Bradford Integrated Change Board. These projects will contribute to overcoming the causes of ill health highlighted by studies like Born in Bradford which link social circumstance and behaviour to health outcomes and wellbeing.

Starting in Girlington (next door to BRI) we aim to make a difference to health outcomes in our city and district. We are also considering projects in Keighley and Home Wood.

For further information on Well Bradford click here

If you have a good idea that you believe will make a difference to health in Bradford then please get in touch, with Sonia Fayyaz via email or phone , we’d love to talk with you.

Contact us