Vanessa Powell-Hoyland

Well Doncaster Project Manager

I have worked in the field of public health for over ten years. During this period I have developed specialist skills, earning a Master’s degree in Public Health and becoming a Research Fellow at Sheffield Hallam University.

My portfolio covers the wider determinants of health, community development and resilience; for the past two years I have lead on Health and Housing and commissioned a Healthy homes programme. Part of my role as Research Fellow for the Advanced Wellbeing Research Centre and with the Collaboration of Leadership and Health Research Centre (CLAHRC) involves leading on identifying health and wellbeing priorities for Local Authorities in Yorkshire and Humber. My research specialisms, with a number of publications and professional interests, include fuel poverty, cold homes, community-centred approaches and health inequalities.

At Well Doncaster, I oversee the community offer from Well North, supporting a number of different community led programme strands. These include community engagement, building community resilience, linking community and universal services, responding to identified gaps and evaluating the success of what we’re doing. Also to be the key enabler to ensure the third sector have a seat around the table.

I am an extremely passionate person who believes health inequalities are unjust and that working with our communities we can improve lives.