Welcome to Well Oldham

Our aim is to help local people to have healthy and vibrant lives, and get involved in making their community an exciting and inspiring place.

But we don’t have all the answers, so we started by bringing people together in the community of Holts village to share their experiences, ideas and views. They talked about what works well in the area, and where things could be improved.

The first idea was to arrange more activities to involve children, families, older people and other residents – a very successful Halloween event was the result.

A common request was to do something about the local park, which was at the heart of the community and had plenty of potential to be an inspiring place. The Council’s parks team and local residents worked hard together and made a huge difference.

Lots of children also shared their dreams about what the park could be like. A local mother who’s a trained play-leader came up with great ideas for children’s activities. She’s now got a job running a play programme for children and their families.

Other activities we’re working on with the people of Holts include:

  • Looking at how we can support independent community groups.
  • Taking part in the Get Oldham Growing scheme, which offers the chance to grow healthy food and learn new skills.
  • Encouraging people to start their own enterprises.
  • Connecting to Get Oldham Working, which brings together individuals, communities and employers to create new and lasting jobs.

Here is a presentation about what we are doing in Well Oldham

This is just the start, and if you have ideas for making a difference in Holts, please get in touch!

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