
Pragmatic Evidence Synthesis reports

Well North pathfinder sites have highlighted key aspects of the social determinants of health and wellbeing that require rapid review. The internal evaluation team for Well North have developed a protocol for Pragmatic Evidence Synthesis (PES). A PES cannot be regarded or used in the same way as a systematic review, but it is designed to give an overview of the literature to date in this subject area to provide pathfinders with a timely resource with which to build larger pieces of work including systematic reviews.

Here is a list of the latest Pragmatic Evidence Synthesis reports - click on the title to download the report.

  • Allotments and Community Gardens
  • Backing entrepreneurial people
  • Building teams, skills and leadership
  • Deepening relationships - top, middle and bottom
  • Employment and Health
  • Employment and Reoffending
  • Men's Sheds programme
  • Micro-grants
  • Regular Attenders
  • Resilience
  • Social Prescribing models

In addition, the Evaluation Team have completed PES literature searches on the following subjects and can share these with pathfinders, either by providing sets of reference documents, creating summaries of the search findings or producing full PES reports. Contact your evaluation team member for further information about the following topics:

  • Access to and knowledge of support and information services
  • Aspirations and opportunities data collection tools
  • Backing entrepreneurial people and ‘can do’ culture
  • Building teams, skills and clear leadership
  • Citizens Advice Bureau
  • Community cycling events
  • Elevating the micro to the macro and influencing power
  • Environment and perception data collection tools
  • Issues facing ex-service men and women
  • Health case management services
  • Joint Strategic Needs Assessments (JSNA’s)
  • Men’s sheds
  • Quality of Life
  • Realist evaluation
  • Recidivism and employment
  • School readiness and deprives and ethnic minority communities
  • Short-sightedness
  • Social entrepreneurship on community resilience, worklessness & health
  • Social isolation survey instruments
  • Social prescribing for adults
  • Social prescribing funding models
  • Type 2 Diabetes peer-support
  • Understanding the disruption of political, economic, social and technological change
  • University-based community leadership programmes
  • Volunteered Geographic Information – Mapademia
  • Wellbeing
  • Work and unemployment data collection tools

If you would like support in finding evidence for the development of new pieces of work, contact your evaluation team member:

  • - Well Newcastle, Well Doncaster
  • - Well Whitehaven, Well Oldham, Well Bradford
  • - Well Halton, Well Sefton, Well Skelmersdale
  • - Well Sheffield, Well Rotherham

Evaluation reports of Well North activities

Here is a list of the latest evaluation reports - click on the title to download the report.

  • Evaluation of micro grant scheme (Well Doncaster, March 2018)
  • Evaluation of allotment & community garden (Well Doncaster, August 2017)
  • Evaluation of creative problem-solving methods (Cluster meeting 27th Feb 2017)
  • Well Doncaster Business Lunch evaluation summary (Held in November 2016)