Gill Cowley

Partnership, Policy, Strategy & Research Assistant, Sefton Council

As a local government officer for over 20 years, my role has mainly been involved in providing business support to statutory and local partnerships. This includes developing plans and policies and carrying out research. I’m also a trustee of a local charity, setting it up from scratch, which includes running a community centre. This gives me a good perspective on how the public and voluntary sector can complement each other.

My role for Well Sefton is project co-ordinator, which includes setting up meetings and getting working groups up and running. I also meet groups and partnerships to tell them about Well Sefton and get them involved, and will be keeping everyone informed about what’s happening across Well Sefton

I’m passionate about hearing the voice of our communities, whether as a council officer or a charity trustee. This means any services have real and lasting outcomes, and are not just because we have always done it like this! As a grandmother most of any spare time is taken up with childcare, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.