Christine (right) with fellow volunteer June serving tea at the Darling Buds of Denaby
Christine's story
Launching 'The Darling Buds of Denaby'
“My husband and I moved to Denaby Main to be closer to our son after living in South Africa for 29 years. We are both retired and didn’t know anyone. Being retired I enjoyed the freedom of not working but after a while I became fed up with sitting at home watching TV, I felt lonely in a community where I didn’t know anyone and it began to affect my health.
I heard about Well Doncaster when I completed a short questionnaire about Denaby Main and was asked if I would like to be involved in the future. I said yes and haven’t looked back. I attend community drop in sessions where we discuss ideas about how we can help our community. I invited my neighbours along and we have now formed a group called ‘The Darling Buds of Denaby’ and we organise weekly activities at our local community centre where people come along, have a cup of tea, play some games and have a chat. I have also completed training with the Citizens Advice Bureau and volunteer as a receptionist two days a week.
I love that I get to meet new people, have fun and really be part of the community. I have more confidence, feel better in myself and am brimming with ideas for Denaby Main and want my friends and neighbours to get as much out of their community as I am."